On this stinking hot day, I'm remembering way back to last week when we had one day that was cool enough to turn the oven on.
Luckily I had the foresight to start the dough the day before. (Here begin the bread geek details, for future reference.) I used the whole grain pizza dough recipe from Peter Reinhart's Artisan Breads Every Day. I think it was 70% whole wheat, and 30% plain white flour. (I used half the suggested sugar, and -- due to misreading the recipe -- omitted the oil. I added a small amount of oil during the shaping prior to refrigeration.) It had about 22 hours in the fridge. The dough was quite sticky before refrigeration, but ended up being surprisingly easy to shape. I used Reinhart's instructions for shaping the pizza, rather than my usual rolling pin technique.
This crust was very tasty. The crumb was good, but not as good as my usual recipe. It reminded me a bit of focaccia in that it was kind of springy -- not in a bad or unpizzalike way, mind you.
(The pizza toppings were: Reinhart's crushed tomato sauce, kalamatas, green capsicum, and Cheezly mozzarella.)
1 day ago
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