First time frying up doughnuts, won't be the last:
I used Vegan Dad's recipe (based on Alton Brown's), but added some gluten to approximate bread flour, and replaced a little bit of the flour with some potato flakes for extra softness/moisture. Some were glazed with vanilla, or vanilla-lemon, and some were rolled in cinnamon sugar. Yum! I made half the recipe which was the perfect amount for us two.
(Bread-nerd notes: I gave the dough a first rise the night before, and then put it in the fridge, and then in the morning gave it an hour to warm up before cutting and frying. The first rise was accidentally too long -- I really only meant to give it 20 minutes as a head-start for rising slowly in the fridge, but left it for an hour by mistake. Interestingly, the ones that were cut out of the dough first didn't rise as much as the ones cut out of the re-rolled dough scraps. Overall, the texture of the doughnuts was nice and soft, but I would love to figure out how to make them really airy and light.)
1 day ago
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