This is a terrible picture of the plum jam I made this morning. 7 or 8 plums from the market had been hanging out in my fridge, so I boiled them up with some sugar and water and the juice of half a lime. I have been reading Laurie Colwin's old columns in Gourmet magazine (collected in "Home Cooking" and "More Home Cooking"), and to say that I have been enjoying these books is grossly understating the point. She wrote about plum jam, and I knew instantly what needed to be done.
I've already made my birthday cakes -- chocolate, for the People -- and a flourless almond cake for me. They're in the freezer. This is the filling for the almond cake. I made it in small rounds (6"), so it'll be a very tall four layers by the time I split and jam them. I plan to serve it (Saturday) with tofu custard. Yum.
1 comment:
Almond cake with plum jam sounds perfect.
Happy birthday to you!
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