Tuesday, January 13, 2009

When Stinky Tastes Good

It is the gift that keeps giving.

May I suggest that you bring it to a party, leave it there, and remember to light a candle in your apartment so that you don't come home to the (ecchem) aroma of slow-cooked onions, fennel, and sharp Italian cheese.

I present to you - at a safe distance - the onion tart from SmittenKitchen.  Ta da!

1 comment:

hm said...

Ah, you finally got to make this. I just looked at the recipe -- did you cook the onions like she suggests, with parchment paper over them? (Can't think why you'd do that, rather than use a lid.)

I might give it a try, with appropriate changes. I'm in a very fennelly mood. (Almost made fennel icecream yesterday -- funnily enough, also from smittenkitchen.)